Ready to move the needle in BIG ways in a short amount of time?
Leadership Intensives are for those who have zeroed in on an area of opportunity & are ready to dig in.
With no time to waste.
Over the course of our 90-days together, we will hone in on your desired area of focus and support you in moving the needle… QUICKLY.
We’ll use assessments, evidence-based strategies, personal exploration and a whole toolbox of tips, tricks & resources to help you save time & energy by making big changes in a short amount of time.
What do you want to focus on?
Communication & Collaboration Foundations
How do you want to connect with others? You’ll learn about your own communication style & how to flex to other styles and needs to become a truly impactful communicator.
Key Takeaways: clarity on personal communication style, ability to identify & adapt to other styles, understanding of what is getting in the way of effective communication, strategies for communicating during conflict & how to have the hard conversations.
Personal & Professional Branding Intensive
What do you want to be known for? What are your superpowers? Take proactive steps to cultivate a professional brand that asserts you as the expert, leader & practitioner that you are.
Key Takeaways: clarity on personal & professional values, ownership of strengths & superpowers, defined personal & professional brand identity, and strategies for building brand visibility (internally & externally).
Legacy & Retirement Planning Intensive
What will your legacy be? What is your greatest hope for this next season of your life? Get clear on who you are & what you want, taking steps to close one important chapter and design the next.
Key Takeaways: clarity on values, clarity on what it is you want to leave behind & what you want to cultivate next, resources for navigating grief, and clear steps for sunsetting your work-life & building a retirement your with purpose, pleasure & peace in mind.
Emotional Agility Foundations
Do you want to get better at responding vs. reacting? Or break some old habits that are no longer serving you? Learn skills to hone your emotional agility and respond to situations & people with your highest wisdom online.
Key Takeaways: identify what is sabotaging your chill, strategies for effectively acknowledging & adapting your nervous system’s conditioned reactions, clarity on personal values and how they empower your emotional agility.
Career & Life Design Intensive
What makes you come alive? Design a life & career that excites you, connected to your values, in alignment with your legacy, and with your purpose, pleasure & peace in mind.
Key Takeaways: clarity on your purpose & vision, decision-making grounded in your values, design-thinking framework to move you in the direction of your vision, strategies for better stress resilience & daily recovery, confidence to stand up & protect boundaries.
Business Accelerator
Do you want to start a business? Or grow your current business? Whether you are in private practice, non-clinical practice or somewhere in between, create the foundations for a truly successful business.
Key Takeaways (depending on where your business is at): clarity on the short- & long-term vision & goals, ownership of strengths & superpowers, refined business branding, marketing plan, logistics/operations/automation processes in place.
Leadership Intensive Programs are for:
Physician Leaders
Healthcare Executives
Healthcare Administration
Managers & Supervisors
High-Achieving Practitioners
You are brilliant.
You work hard.
You are great at your job.
You want more.
Let’s get you more impact, more flow, more purpose, pleasure & peace.
We’ll use a highly personalized, evidenced-based framework & strategic approach the entire way..
Schedule a Connection Call & see what’s possible with the right support.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. This is a chemistry call – opportunity for me to hear your story & needs and an opportunity for you to learn more about coaching, get your questions answered, and feel me out.