Are you ready to turn the page with confidence & gusto?
Life is full of next chapters & big transitions.
Sometimes they are the natural evolution of our lives.
And sometimes they are chosen. There is a deep desire to turn the page.
You are in a season of big rumbling.
Perhaps you are preparing for retirement.
Or maybe you are getting really honest about what you want with your career and asking the big questions like, “Do I still want this?” “What do I want?” “What makes me come alive?”
You are starting a business or side hustle (or really want to!).
You home circumstances have changed – divorce, empty nester, etc.
You are ready to find out who you are & what you’re here for.
What is your next chapter?
You deserve to have an experienced co-pilot in your corner, offering an evidenced-based framework to work through the big questions and strategies to ground & support you as you move forward.
Next Chapter Coaching is for:
Who are you? What are you here for? What makes your soul come alive? We’ll explore & design for more heat, more alignment, and more juicy purpose, pleasure & peace.
You’ve worked really hard. You’ve played big. You’ve made the money. Now your time & energy are all your own. What do you want to do with this season you have worked so hard for? We’ll help you design forward with intention, focusing on your purpose, pleasure & peace.
You are ready for something different, something new. You don’t want a job, you want a calling. But what are you being called to do and more importantly, how do you get there?? We’ll explore your interests, talents & skills and collaborate as you design forward, strategically moving in the direct of a vocation that makes you come alive.
Are you feeling pulled to work for yourself? Is there a lingering calling to start something new? Do you want to get creative and build new ways to make money? As a small business owner of multiple businesses, I look forward to helping you land on what it is that you want to do & strategically supporting you in standing up your new income producing venture!
You’ve spent the last decades caring for, tending to & prioritizing your kids. They’ve moved out and are off living their lives. Good work, you did a great job! But now what? We’ll explore what you want to focus your time & energy on next and what parts of yourself you want to rekindle. We’ll also navigate shifting relationships along the way - both with others & yourself.
You have weathered a really challenging, complicated storm. You are on the other side, figuring out who you are on your own. We’ll help you get reacquainted with yourself, let go of old beliefs, and design a life with your needs & wants at the forefront.
My Coaching Philosophy
Humans are humans, are humans.
Regardless of title, position, education, salary, race, gender, age, etc. ALL humans need & deserve security, dignity & belonging.
Coaching is a safe & strategic playground for you to be human – meet your needs, get a little messy, flex your creativity, stay curious & build relationship with your Highest Wisdom self as you move towards the extraordinary you desire.
You are brilliant.
You want more.
You are ready to turn the page.
Let’s help you write that next chapter with gusto & confidence, using a highly personalized, evidenced-based framework & a supported, strategic approach the entire way.
Schedule a Connection Call & see what’s possible with the right support.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. This is a chemistry call – opportunity for me to hear your story & needs and an opportunity for you to learn more about coaching, get your questions answered, and feel me out.